Tuesday, June 24, 2014


One week ago, we officially decided to pursue adopting "Philip" and submitted the initial application. (Matt will share the anatomy of our decision later.) We found out that day that there's an optional pre-approval process at the orphanage "Philip" is in. What that means is that we do a bunch of paperwork upfront, submit it to the orphanage, and see if we're pre-approved. The paperwork is stuff we have to fill out anyway and it can be done while you're getting your homestudy done. The advantage? We can know much sooner if we aren't going to be matched with "Philip". If we're pre-approved, "Philip" would be placed on hold for us, and once our homestudy is complete, they will review that and make a final decision. If they still approve of us after the homestudy, then we are matched. At that point "Philip" is basically our son and it's just a process of finalizing it, raising money, and bringing him home.

So, we decided to do it.

Yesterday, late afternoon, we found out that "Philip's" orphanage is having a meeting this week to discuss prospective parents for their kids (this includes us pre-approval applicants). We were told it would be ideal if we could get the pre-approval paperwork done in time for this meeting. More specifically, we needed everything done by Wednesday. =O (I don't usually use emoticons in my blog posts, but this surprise face is appropriate.) We were surprised and overwhelmed. This is awesome, a meeting so soon means an answer sooner. This is overwhelming, there's a lot of paperwork still left for us to do...

So we made a plan to assess our paperwork needs and see if it was at all feasible to get things done by Wednesday. It seemed like we could probably do it, and so we plowed away. We did a chunk last night into this morning (1 am), another chunk throughout the day (any spare moment Matt had and during Liam's nap for me), and then more this evening. I am happy to report that we just sent an email with the rest of the paperwork we needed to submit! (Thank you Harden family for your prayers!) We may need to edit a few things, but overall, it's done.

We found out that "Philip's" file was given to other agencies, not just WACAP. We also found out today that other families are trying to get pre-approval to adopt "Philip" as well. This is a strange thing to find out. Are we competing with other families? My momma bear instincts say, well, I'll be the best contender I can be to bring him home. Yet, there's a fear. We are not the only good family in the world. Although God has really expedited this process for us so far, and He is clearly helping us (I mean, I'm still awake to even type this post after all that work...), I don't know what His ultimate plan is. I asked Him to help us know quickly if we are not to be "Philip's" parents. Now that the quick opportunity is here, I'm afraid of the results. I want "Philip" and I want what's best for "Philip". God's will is best, but if He decides that "Philip" is someone else's son, I will be very sad, at least for a while.

Please pray that God will do His will and that we will submit to it no matter what. I believe He will do what's best for "Philip" and for us. May we be firm in that belief.


  1. This is so hard. We want God's sovereign best for these babies (that they would someday know Jesus). We'd love to be the ones who walk that journey with them, but even a loving gospel-centered home is not enough on its own to guarantee a relationship with Jesus. God can use all sorts of circumstances. So I will be praying with you that God would place "Philip" where he can best learn of God's love and grace (we hope it's with you guys!), and that he'll give you peace and clarity no matter what the outcome. No matter what, "Philip" will always have a prayer team now!
