Monday, November 10, 2014

Doors Close

So it's been slow going since we found out we couldn't adopt "Philip". We had decided to try to continue to pursue an adoption in Taiwan, but we encountered push back about our discipline choices. After a lot of email exchanges, a face-to-face meeting with our social worker here at CFC, and a phone conversation with the Taiwan program manager at WACAP, we have found out that the orphanages in Taiwan that WACAP is associated with do not allow spanking. The Taiwan program manager does not know why they have taken that stance and WACAP in general is not against spanking done in a loving, biblical and correct manner. We prayed about it and thought about it a lot, and finally decided that we should not change how we believe we should discipline without a specific reason to consider. So, long story short, the door to Taiwan is currently closed to us. We're in process now of seeing where else we may be able to adopt from.

Along the way we've decided to pursue both adoption and pregnancy. We really want to add another child to our family and decided to pursue both options and see what God does. It's always in His hands.