It's been pretty quiet on this blog. That's mostly because it had been pretty quiet on the adoption front. We got our stuff in for our homestudy by the end of July. Our CFC social worker was working on the draft, and we were just waiting. By mid-August we hadn't heard anything and decided to just get a status update. Turns out WACAP had a lot of edits they wanted done to our homestudy draft. So we had to answer some more questions, and our CFC social worker and her boss are working on finalizing things.
That was a downer. We really hoped they would say our homestudy is done and that we could now come and sign it. However, with a low, God provided a high.
We heard from our WACAP waiting child manager that "Philip's" orphanage ended up having the meeting we thought they would have in July, on August 26th. Furthermore, they had a few more questions they wanted us to answer. This is a good sign! There are no guarantees that we can adopt "Philip", but we've passed round one of considerations and they want to know more about us to make their decision. That's a praise!
We quickly answered those extra questions with joy and are once again waiting. It's a more hopeful waiting at this point for me. Please continue to pray for us and that "Philip" receives the perfect parents for him. Pray that we may be those parents and if not, he would not have to wait long until he can go home.